Anywhere, Anytime – Calisthenics

Do you feel that you’re on others’ time when you’re working out rather than your own (“that person has been using this equipment for FOREVER!”)? What about when you’re traveling but the hotel’s gym just won’t cut it, or when you’re stuck at home? When your usual flow and routine are interrupted, does it lead to you feeling lost and unsure of how you’re going to get that workout in?
Would you believe us if we said that there is a type of exercise that you could do anywhere and on your own time, and would help you completely avoid this stress?
That exercise DOES exist… it’s called “calisthenics”! The beauty of calisthenics is that you really only need your body weight to get an effective workout. So don’t let traffic, equipment hogs, quarantine, or being away be an excuse for not getting 1% better today.
We understand that it might be tough to work out on your own. Whether it’s a lack of motivation, accountability, will-power… we can help you overcome those feelings and make working out an activity that you enjoy! If you want accountability, guidance, to meet some of the coolest people ever, and to reach your goals, come check us out.
Want to See What This ACTUALLY Looks Like in Practice?
CLICK HERE and we’ll send you a FREE Beginner’s Guide to help you get started.
Or come to Mekanix and we’ll take you all the way through it. Schedule a FREE strategy session here: